
Showing posts from April, 2024

Storytime with Wade

       When it came to developing the story for "In His Eyes" it was very much impromptu.  I essentially grabbed my sketchbook and clicked play on one of my Spotify playlists and tried to think visuals. I feel I often think the visuals or colors before I think of story in the past, so why not try again. Over the course of about an hour I jotted down ideas and individual storyboard frame, but I hear my suitemate talking to his girlfriend on facetime.      I do want to start by mentioning that our college dorm room was built in the 60s and its small , though we do share a common area which has its pros and cons. On one hand its very easy to make friends with suitemates you probably wouldn't in most other dorms at FSU, but it's also a small area where you can't really hide anything you say. In the case of this suitemate, he also does not care at all about what he knows we hear. All I'm going to say is that I have a very in-depth understanding about his life and r

The Back Burner

     Hello to all! I did not expect to be writing this exactly one year after my previous post, but here we are. It's been an eventful year to say the least, so I'm going to do my best to mention the main highlights. I don't feel like breaking this into separate blogs so cope. POST WHAT YOU WATCH      Obviously I finished the film, but not so obviously I passed AICE Media A level! It seemed like people and festivals liked it. The film ended up screening in New York City back in October for the All American High School Film Festival!       Following the Essay exams and portfolio submission our final task for class was a video assignment so I teamed up with my buddy (now roommate) John to make Growing Pains.  For the assignment we had to provide our thoughts about "this whole growing up thing", so as soon to be college freshmen seeking independence, we made a film about a minor posing as an adult trying to rent a rated R movie. Throughout the film we get to see his