
Escaping to the Edit

During company wrap and after giving my thanks to the crew, I believe Chris had approached me and asked if I was planning to submit the film to Aquila's Full Circle Film Festival. The FCFF was originally a nice motivator for Sam and I to produce our respective films as at the time when our fall project fell through, Aquila had announced that they would be accepting submissions up until April 5th. We thought it would be cool, and our films were both originally scheduled to shoot before the deadline as to allow for time to edit, but with Sam's film getting pushed back and the real motivation for creating the film taking over, submitting the film had become a secondary concern. I said I'd try to get the film done before Friday but that I wouldn't stress about it too much. In retrospect I was right, I wasn't too stressed about the edit or the festival, but that's not to say I wasn't stressed. On April 5th at 9:00 AM, I was scheduled to have my applicant intervie

It's The Small Things

  With dates, actors, crew, locations, and equipment all confirmed it was finally time to do what I wasn't able to achieve prior making it to production. On Saturday March 29th, Sam and I got up bright and early and went to the Dirac library on campus where we would meet our lead Nico. This day was slated to be when we would shoot our "good time" moments at Lake Ella, but before we got there we had to record Nico's VO. Whenever we had to schedule production meetings the FSU libraries website allows for rooms in either of their two libraries to be reserved. Now I'm biased because Dirac was closer to my dorm and has a pretty interior design layout, BUT more importantly Dirac was home to FSU's only public Media Suite, that is also criminally underused. The room comes with a Mac Mini, two monitors, speakers, microphones, stands, soundproofing walls, the Adobe Suite, and countless podcasting/audio programs.  For the session, Sam would be monitoring audio levels and

Dreams and the Dream Team

In the last post, I spoke about my on-camera talent, so this post will detail the talent behind the camera. To begin, we have my wonderful Producer/Production Designer/Intimacy Coordinator: Sam Perez Laurenza. In all honesty, Sam was always going to be a part of this project, it was mostly a hope of getting Sam somewhere I knew they'd be best in. Sam and I in the past both produced a weekly news show during our time in High School, so I knew they were qualified more so than some of the other options I had at the time. As an effective communicator they were the one doing a lot of the contacting of people and holding me to a deadline. They also helped to get me out of few pickles here and there especially with the whole casting call flop when we only had 2 auditions for only 1 of the characters. They also helped a lot during production making sure we'd stay on schedule, ordering food, and as well as serving as another pair of eyes when I wanted another opinion on a shot.  In term

It's In The Eyes

    In the last post I mentioned that me and my producer had scheduled to post the Casting Call on Instagram in search for actors. I admit I've never done this before for a couple reasons. Commonly in High School whether it'd be for my TV program or for AICE Media Studies, people were generally pretty busy. For as much as counselors will promote the idea to "take classes that will be best for you", the modern day college application process as well as said counselors' hypocritical advertisement for AP and AICE level courses.  In one annoying examples, I had finished my required 4 math credits by the end of my Junior year and wanted to take a digital art/animation class my senior year, but my counselor refused to let me leave the room without picking a math class since "colleges want that". Regardless of the fact that I was clearly an TV/Film and arts oriented individual, I was forced to agree and she put in Pre-Calc even though there would no Calc class

Storytime with Wade

       When it came to developing the story for "In His Eyes" it was very much impromptu.  I essentially grabbed my sketchbook and clicked play on one of my Spotify playlists and tried to think visuals. I feel I often think the visuals or colors before I think of story in the past, so why not try again. Over the course of about an hour I jotted down ideas and individual storyboard frame, but I hear my suitemate talking to his girlfriend on facetime.      I do want to start by mentioning that our college dorm room was built in the 60s and its small , though we do share a common area which has its pros and cons. On one hand its very easy to make friends with suitemates you probably wouldn't in most other dorms at FSU, but it's also a small area where you can't really hide anything you say. In the case of this suitemate, he also does not care at all about what he knows we hear. All I'm going to say is that I have a very in-depth understanding about his life and r

The Back Burner

     Hello to all! I did not expect to be writing this exactly one year after my previous post, but here we are. It's been an eventful year to say the least, so I'm going to do my best to mention the main highlights. I don't feel like breaking this into separate blogs so cope. POST WHAT YOU WATCH      Obviously I finished the film, but not so obviously I passed AICE Media A level! It seemed like people and festivals liked it. The film ended up screening in New York City back in October for the All American High School Film Festival!       Following the Essay exams and portfolio submission our final task for class was a video assignment so I teamed up with my buddy (now roommate) John to make Growing Pains.  For the assignment we had to provide our thoughts about "this whole growing up thing", so as soon to be college freshmen seeking independence, we made a film about a minor posing as an adult trying to rent a rated R movie. Throughout the film we get to see his